Are you having trouble getting in and out of the bathroom or shower? Are you uncertain of the nutrients your meal might or might not have at home? Do you keep forgetting to take your medication on time? Are laundry, groceries, and other chores becoming more difficult to accomplish? Are changing clothes and grooming becoming more of a hassle? Is the loneliness of being isolated kicking in?
Our Assisted Living Home is a place where people who cannot safely live on their own go either to recover or spend the rest of their lives. We turn your retirement expectations into reality by providing 24/7 care from our skilled nurses and a place of safety and security that feels like home.
Our amenities include:
- Fully furnished rooms
- Kitchen
- Dining hall
- Bathrooms with hand grips/grab bars for safety
- Common lounge/living area
- Entertainment room
- Welcome area to receive visitors
- Security systems (fire alarms, sprinklers, and intruder alarms)
- Welcoming Front Lawn and Porch area for lounging
- Backyard garden for afternoon walks and relaxation
Would you like to see our place for yourself? We can set-up a tour for you. Just call 443-470-2623.